The light on our path
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. – Proverbs 4:18 KJV
When we look back over our past, we often feel some regrets and wish we had done this, that, and the other, or at least done certain things better.
The Lord knows exactly how each of us feels, better than anyone on earth can, because He knows our heart and thoughts. Every single one of our thoughts, including every deed, is written in His book.
Also written therein are the results of our thoughts and prayers and actions—the minds that were changed, the hearts that were touched, the lives that were transformed, and the effect that we had on the people around us, and on the world itself.
When we reflect on our past, we only see a small part of our past, and even that imperfectly. But the Lord sees the making of a man or a woman—the depth of compassion we’ve gained, the wisdom we’ve attained, and the maturity we’ve developed through all our experiences.
He’s promised to light the path of our future before us, as He guides us to that day when He will reconcile all things to Him. —M. Fontaine [1]
The soul that gives itself wholly and without reserve to God is filled with His own peace; and the closer we draw to our God, so much the stronger and more steadfast and tranquil shall we become. —Jean Grou
[1] M. Fontaine Anchor Pressing On