We all fail sometime

And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. (Romans 8:27 NLT)

 The Lord never fails, even if we fail. No matter how many times you’ve failed Him, He won’t fail you. He’ll bring you through. The best thing you can do when facing failure is to keep your mind on the Lord. Trust Him.
 We all fail sometime or other. In fact, we all fail often.
 The Lord probably allows us to fail so we won’t think too highly of ourselves. If you never failed, you could give yourself a nice little pat on the back, but failure makes you more humble and more dependent on the Lord.
 You shouldn’t feel condemned and worry about mistakes and failures; you should take the opposite attitude and be happy for the good that can come from your failure. You can be thankful that you didn’t fail too much and you didn’t cause a problem that can’t be remedied.
 We may feel bad, but we should thank the Lord, because it’s wonderful that we can learn these lessons. It’s even a blessing that we can fail sometimes, because often we get our greatest victories out of seeming defeats.
 So keep looking up and keep being positive about it. The Lord may have let you be somewhat confused about things just so you would be humbled by it. —Maria Fontaine [1]

 The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one. —John C. Maxwell

[1] Anchor Failure—A Victory from Defeat


Look into My face


That sounds peaceful