Veneration and devotion

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments! (Psalm 112:1 ESV)

 The Bible speaks a fair bit about fearing God. When the Bible speaks of fearing God, there are two different concepts being referred to—being afraid of God and His wrath and honoring Him and having reverence for Him.
 This second concept of the fear of God is in the positive sense of reverencing God; that is, having awe, reverence, honor, and respect for Him. Fearing God in this way brings blessing and goodness to our lives.
 That doesn’t mean there won’t be any consequences for our sins in this life; nor does it mean that God will countenance willful sin and disobedience of His moral laws.
 As believers, the right reaction to all God is and has done is having the fear of the Lord—in the sense of veneration and devotion.
We are part of His family, having been given this right through our faith in Jesus. Our relationship with the Lord is one of love, of gratitude, of praise and worship.
 As such, we are rightly to fear the Lord by giving Him our love, obeying His Word, and living in a manner that glorifies Him, for He is infinitely worthy. —P. Amsterdam [1]

All the peace and favor of the world cannot calm a troubled heart; but where this peace is which Christ gives, all the trouble and disquiet of the world cannot disturb it. —Robert Leighton

[1] Anchor Loving and Reverencing Godg


In spite of our sins


That principle is