
Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. (1 Timothy 6:11)

The dictionary has some good definitions [for gentleness].

It says that gentleness is having a mild and kind nature or manner.

It’s also having a gracious and honorable manner.

It’s kindness, consideration, and a spirit of fairness and compassion.

Boy, that sure sounds like Jesus, doesn’t it?—Someone with a kind, gracious, honorable manner, who shows consideration and a spirit of fairness and compassion.

That’s really something to strive for, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you like to have that said about you?

It’s certainly like Jesus, and if we’re close to Him and if we’re filled with the Holy Spirit, if we really go for being filled with Him and possessed by Him, then this fruit of gentleness will be there in our lives, and people will feel it and will appreciate it. —P. Amsterdam [1]

The gentle mind by gentle deeds is known. For a man by nothing is so well betrayed, as by his manners. —Edmund Spenser

[1] Anchor Strength in Gentleness


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