Created Equal

 What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention? (Job 7:17 NIV)

 Because God values human beings, each has intrinsic, essential value. This should cause us to value each human being.

 All humans, no matter what their gender, race, skin tone, or creed, are created equal. Each person bears God’s image and should be respected and treated as such. Neither one’s place nor one’s value in society diminishes a person’s intrinsic value.

 Newborns, children, the elderly, the infirm, the disabled, the mentally retarded, the unborn, the hungry, widows, and prisoners, those you disagree with, even enemiesevery human being, no matter what their condition, circumstance, or religious beliefhas the dignity of being God’s image bearer, and deserves—and should be granted—equal honor and respect by all other human beings. —P. Amsterdam [1]

 Each person is of inestimable temporal and eternal value and significance. Persons have this inward worth inalienably as creatures of God made in the image of God… Every living human being is of intrinsic worth—poor or rich, female or male, educated or not, lighter or darker—because he or she is an endlessly existing active spiritual person like God. —Lewis and Demarest

[1] P. Amsterdam Anchor Every Person Is Important




Heaven is Real