Hearing From the Lord

 I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow. (Isaiah 48:17 NLT)

 The Lord has promised to communicate His words to us and to make known His will to each of us. He desires to give us personal instruction, guidance, encouragement, and counsel. As we seek Him, the Lord will be faithful to guide us to His green pastures and His still waters where our spirits can be nourished and strengthened.

 He will communicate with us in many different ways, through His written Word, other inspired writings by Christian authors, and through speaking to our hearts in different ways. He may speak to us through prophecy, through meditation on Him and His words, through dreams, visions, and revelations.

 His communications with us may be expressed in many ways, such as pictures, impressions, inspired music, and sometimes even physical events or godly counsel. May we all be open to the voice of His Spirit speaking to us—whether through His still, small voice, the conviction He lays on our heart, or the lessons we glean from the words of others.

As we embrace and receive His messages to us, in whatever format He uses to touch our spirits, our connection to His Spirit will be strengthened. —M. Fontaine [1]

 Like the old maestro who can make a melody out of the one remaining string on a broken instrument, God can show us the pattern of our lives if we will just see his gracious hand that has brought us this far already. —Ravi Zacharias

[1] M. Fonataine Anchor  Keeping in Step with the Spirit


Resting in the Lord


God’s Righteousness