Faith Difficulty

And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. (Luke 17:5 KJV)

It’s been said that “adversity builds character” is the A-B-C of spiritual growth. All those who have done great things for God and mankind have experienced difficulties and had to overcome all manner of obstacles. It’s through their struggles that they became strong.

Christians aren’t immune to difficulty—family problems, fears, uncertainty, too much to do, financial pressures, and so much more. Having faith doesn’t keep us from difficulties, but we who know the Lord can avail ourselves of His promises, which can get us through those difficulties. One thing that helps me a lot is to look beyond the present difficult circumstances and try to believe that things will get better, because I know that God cares, that He’s going to bring me through, and that He honors me for having that trust in Him. God is faithfull. The fulfillment of His promises doesn’t always happen immediately, but He always answers in His perfect time and according to His purpose.—MF [1]

Great faith is not the faith that walks always in the light and knows no dark-ness, but the faith that perseveres in spite of God’s seeming silences, and that faith will most certainly and surely get its reward.—Father Andrew (Henry Ernest Hardy)

[1] MF Activated, Vol. 14 issue 8, pg. 10.


The Essence of Christmas

