
Follow the whole instruction the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live, prosper, and have a long life. (Deuteronomy 5:33 CSB)

Faithful people are dependable and true. They’re faithful to God, faithful to the work He has called them to, whatever that may be, and faithful to keep their word and fulfill their obligations to others. All of these things are part of their Christian duty.

Faithful people are that way because they are full of faith. Their faith is what gives them the strength to be responsible. They’re full of God’s Word, which is the source of faith, so it comes naturally for them to do what it says. Theirs is a living faith, and it shows. Faithful people keep going through thick and thin because they know Him in whom they believe and are persuaded that He will work everything out for their good in the end.

How can you remain faithful? Stay close to Jesus and take life one day at a time! Forget the past, and don’t worry about tomorrow. “Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.” If you read God’s Word and do your best to be faithful today, you’ll stay faithful, and that will be a testimony to others.—Rafael Holding [1]

The reward of being “faithful over a few things” is just the same as being “faithful over many things”; for the emphasis falls upon the same word; it is the “faithful” who will enter “into the joy of [their] Lord.—Charles S. Robinson (1829–1899)

[1] Rafael Holding Activated, Volume 14 issue 8, pg.6


Faith Difficulty


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