Give Love to Others

You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate. (Luke 6:36 NLT)

Service done in love for God and others doesn’t seek external reward. It doesn’t require that others know about it. It doesn’t seek the applause or gratitude of others. It is content to be done in hiddenness and humility. It also does not expect that the one being served will reciprocate. The delight is in the service itself.

It is indiscriminate; it doesn’t seek to serve the high and powerful, rather it seeks to serve whoever is in need—which is often the lowly and defenceless. It is done faithfully regardless of feelings; it isn’t affected by moods or whims. Instead it disciplines the feelings and fills the need. It cares for the needs of others unpretentiously. It’s lending a helping hand when needed.

If we desire to become Christlike, then committing ourselves and learning how to serve others in love and humility as Jesus did, without seeking anything other than glorifying the Father, is a discipline worth practicing.—PA [1]

What does love look like?

It has eyes to see misery and want.

It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.

It has hands to help others.

It has feet to hasten to help the poor and needy.

That is what love looks like.—Saint Augustine

[1] "Service" Anchor, October 15, 2018.


Love Freely


The Tongue