Fighting for the Good
For Christ’s love compels us. (2 Corinthians 5:14 NIV)
Manifesting God’s love is at the heart of becoming a force for good. In whatever specific ways the Lord leads each of us to reach our part of the world with His love, He has called us as Christians to be “the light of the world.”
Throughout the centuries, since the earliest days of Christianity, Christians have often reached the world through becoming known as a “force for good” in their community. Even when others didn’t necessarily embrace the Christians’ faith or understand their religion.
When Jesus compared His followers to salt and light, it seems a reasonable assumption that He expected Christians to be embraced by many and for the Christian faith to become as essential as salt and light to many people’s lives.
Being a force for good rests within each of us. As we strive to live and hold true to our Christian values, we can fulfil His commission to be the spice of life of this world; to give its full flavour and meaning to others, to be preservers of the good, and to share our faith—the true currency of the world—with others.—PA [1]
We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.—Martin Luther King
[1] “Overcoming Evil with Good.” Anchor, January 14, 2020.