When coupled with prayer

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

 That may seem paradoxical—faith in God being something substantial—but it’s true. In the face of difficulty and disappointment, faith is far more effective than mere mental exercises, because it is backed by promises that God has made in His Word—promises that bring about tangible results when believed and applied to real-life situations.
 These promises not only have the power to change problem situations; they also have the power to change us. The Bible tells us to “be transformed by the renewing of the mind.” It is through those “exceedingly great and precious promises” that we “may be partakers of the divine nature.”
 We can, by an act of our will, take our mind off of negative thoughts. Unless we fill that void, however, the negative thoughts will rush back in. What should we replace those negative thoughts with? What is more positive or more powerful than the living Word of the living God? When coupled with prayer, the uplifting, transforming Word of God can give you victory over every ugly, negative thought and its consequences.
 There is no place where the mind can be as fully renewed as in the secret place of prayer, alone with God. When we come away from the temporal things that distract and harass us, and we focus on the presence of God and put our mind on the things of God, the transforming power of God then begins to work in us, and we are changed, renewed. —V. B. Berg [1]

Walk boldly and wisely. There is a hand above that will help you on. —Philip James Bailey (1816–1902)

[1] Activated Renewing Your Mind


But the Christian life is not to be lived in the natural


It is achieved through God’s grace