Well, accept it!
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting. (James 1:6a)
Faith is a gift of God, and He gives the power to receive only as you’re faithful in prayer and in the reading of His blessed Word. So many times we ask and then we don’t believe God, we don’t receive it.
One time I’d asked God so long for something, and I was sitting there wondering about it. God spoke to my heart in that still small voice just as clearly, “Well, accept it! Accept it! Why don’t you accept it?”
The great point to remember here is that God’s Word is true. You must believe it in spite of every contradiction of what people say and the circumstances and conditions about you. God’s always faithful, but the Devil, who’s the father of lies, often tempts us to accept and believe feelings and circumstances instead of God’s Word.
Let’s not limit God by asking to see this or that or that He send us some sign, some wonderful token. Let’s take Him at His Word. Believe His precious Word; it will never fail you. You can stand on the Word, and having done all, stand, for God is on the throne. Prayer does change things and will change things for you if you’ll only believe. —V.B. Berg [1]
Though my needs may drive me to prayer, it is there I come face to face with my greatest need: an encounter with God Himself. —Philip Yancey
[1] Anchor Assurance of Things Hoped For