We shall understand
The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry. (Psalm 34:15)
“Why does God allow suffering?” is one of the great questions of life. Though we can understand many of the reasons through reading God’s Word, there are some things we won’t fully understand until the next life, when we are able to see things as God sees them.
Doctor Handley Moule once said: “It is very difficult for us to understand why God should let … tragedy happen. But I have at home an old bookmarker given me by my mother. It is woven in silk, and when I look at the wrong side of it, I see nothing but a tangled mass of threads. It looks like a big mistake! One would think that someone had made it who did not know what she was doing. But when I turn it over and look at the right side, I see there, beautifully embroidered, the letters, God is love. We are looking at this today from the wrong side. Someday we shall view it from another standpoint, and we shall understand.”
God always has a purpose and a plan in our suffering, even though we can’t always see it right away. Sometimes, “His ways are past finding out,” and we just have to trust God, knowing that whatever we don’t understand now, we will understand later! [1]
Jesus didn’t promise to change the circumstances around us, but He did promise great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things.—Merlin Carothers (1924–2013)
[1] Anchor Why Sin and Suffering?