We’d never know

Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am.’ (Isaiah 58:9 ESV)

 Quite a few people seem to have trials and battles because they don’t feel close to Jesus. They think, “I must not be close to the Lord, because I just don’t feel close to Him!”
 The Bible makes it very clear that we are to walk by faith, not sight. If we start trusting or relying too much on our feelings as an indicator of how well we’re doing spiritually, we’re going to be very unstable. We would be continually tossed to and fro by every wind of feeling that happens to come along. We’d never know how we were going to be doing tomorrow, as that would be determined by how we feel when we get up in the morning.
 Regardless of how we may happen to feel, if we love the Lord and are walking by faith and obeying His Word, then we know that our relationship with the Lord is firm. And we certainly know that His love for us is unchangeable, unwavering. He says, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” “Though the mountains should depart and the hills be removed, My kindness shall not depart from thee.” “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee!”—Maria Fontaine [1]

 You can respond to the silence of God in two ways. One response is for you to go into depression, a sense of guilt, and self-condemnation. The other response is for you to have an expectation that God is about to bring you to a deeper knowledge of Himself. These responses are as different as night and day. —Henry Blackaby

[1] Anchor When God Is Silent


Buoyed by their faith


I am the answer man