This is so contrary to the carnal mind
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8 ESV)
I stood thinking in front of one of these stores where the window was full of animated elves; they were dancing round about. I stood there wondering why such a scene was given to depict our lovely Christmas. I wonder why the manager at the store didn’t prefer to have the lovely manger scene, so beautiful and so appealing to the human heart.
Then I thought of the Bethlehem scene. Perhaps that’s not the way that man would have revealed the great God. Man wouldn’t think of choosing such a way to have revealed God, or to have founded any great movement such as Christianity.
I stood there thinking of these things, and I thought, they would never think of choosing a wee babe, a manger, a carpenter’s bench. This is so contrary to the carnal mind.
God is showing that His way of doing things may be quite contrary to human logic and natural expectations.
In the daily press of life, we must remember that living in the presence of God and fellowshipping daily with the Lord Jesus is what will transform the heart and soul. He alone can bring that peace, rest, and quiet to the heart if you’ll only stop and let Him. —Virginia Brandt Berg [1]
Walk with me, oh my Lord,
Through the darkest night and brightest day.
Be at my side, O Lord,
Hold my hand and guide me on my way. —Estelle White (1925–2011)
[1] Anchor The Bethlehem Story