They love everyone
Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. (Colossians 3:10 NLT)
The Epistle to Diognetus was perhaps the earliest explanation and defense of the Christian faith to a nonbeliever. Here are some excerpts:
Christians are not distinguished from the rest of humanity by country, language, or custom. For nowhere do they live in cities of their own, nor do they speak some unusual dialect, nor do they practice an eccentric lifestyle. While they live in both Greek and barbarian cities and follow the local customs in dress and food and other aspects of life, at the same time they demonstrate the remarkable and admittedly unusual character of their own spiritual citizenship.
They live in their own countries, but only as aliens; they participate in everything as citizens and endure everything as foreigners. Every foreign country is their fatherland, and every fatherland is foreign.
They love everyone. They are put to death, yet they are brought to life. They are in need of everything, yet they abound in everything. They are cursed, yet they bless. They are insulted, yet they offer respect. Those who hate them are unable to give a reason for their hostility.
In a word, what the soul is to the body, Christians are to the world. The soul is dispersed through all the members of the body, and Christians throughout the cities of the world. The soul dwells in the body, but is not of the body; likewise, Christians dwell in the world, but are not of the world. The soul, which is invisible, is confined in the body, which is visible; in the same way, Christians are recognized as being in the world, and yet their religion remains invisible. —Activated [1]
Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life." —Gregory Peck