Somewhere, somehow, sometime
And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. (Mark 1:35 KJV)
You will get a lot more done if you will spend more time in prayer, alone with God. You will get more instruction, insight, and inspiration from the Lord when you are alone and quiet than at any other time because He has your full attention, and you can give Him the reverence that is His due.
Even Jesus had to get up at the break of day, before His disciples, and find a quiet place to get alone with and hear from His Father.
You’re going to have to get quiet by yourself—somewhere, somehow, sometime—if you’re going to hear from the Lord. You can’t solve your problems on your own.
You’ve got to be desperate for God’s solutions, and then you’ve got to stop everything else and listen. —DBB [1]
Prayer: Help us, Jesus, to remember that we can’t go on without the heavenly vision that You give. We all need more quiet time alone with You, to nestle in Your arms and be refreshed and strengthened by Your Spirit, to have You and You alone to think about and pray about and to get close to, without any other distractions. Amen
[1] Anchor Alone with God