Reserved for Me

For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. (Psalms 107:9 KJV)

 “There is no one who really understands, no one to share all I feel!” Such is the cry of each of us, in turn. Did God, who made us a living soul, make some mistake in this, His masterpiece—humankind? There is an answer to these questions. This lack that we feel, this incompleteness, is a need of our soul for God.
 He knew that when we found human sympathy lacking, we would seek the divine. He knew that this very sense of isolation, of not being understood, would drive us to Him. God made us for Himself. He desires our love. He put a little sign on the table of your heart, which reads, “Reserved for Me.”
 In every heart, He wishes to be first. He therefore keeps the secret key Himself, the key to open all our hearts’ chambers and to bless with perfect sympathy and peace each solitary soul that comes to Him.
 God Himself is the answer, the fulfilment. Not until He Himself fills that inner longing will we ever be truly satisfied. Not until He fills our life will we ever be completely free from loneliness. —VBB [1]

 Is your life an argument for God’s existence? If we want people to see the universe for the poem that it is, we need to be the poem that we are intended to be. —Ravi Zacharias

[1] Anchor God’s Poem


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