He’s like our CEO

On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased. (Psalm 138:3)

 Do you ever look at the tests, struggles, and difficult situations you find yourself in and wonder if it might be the result of something you did wrong? Or perhaps you see the struggles you’re facing as a sign of weak faith?
 Looking at what happens in your life from this perspective comes from the assumption that God is upset or angry over your mistakes, shortcomings, and sins. I’m sure He wants us to learn to do better, but if you see God’s hand in your life as one of anger and judgment, please ask yourself if that is consistent with Jesus’ love and example. Think about all He has given you and done for you. He’s not in the business of making you pay for what He’s already paid for.
 I believe that Jesus is interested in maximizing our strengths and blessings. He’s like our CEO in the kingdom of heaven. What kind of CEO would be more concerned with rendering consequences and judgment than maximizing potential? Any good CEO will be focused on empowering those in his company to do their best. I believe that’s what our Lord’s goal is as well. He’s providing us with opportunities to do our best for Him. —Maria Fontaine [1]

 God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer. —Mother Teresa

[1] Anchor Liberating Our Perspectives


Jesus is my focal point


I love you and care for you with tenderness