He wants to give you …

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. (Psalm 18:2 NLT)

You may be tempted to think, “Taking time with the Lord and seeking His answers in prayer and hearing from Him is all well and good, but it doesn’t bring with it any concrete solutions.”
 If you’re thinking those thoughts, it’s time to adjust your thinking.
 We’re talking about taking your problems, questions, and even your great big tangled messes to the God of the universe, and letting Him give you not only the comfort, strength, and wisdom you need, but also guide you to His solutions.
 When you hear from the Lord and follow His guidance and Word, it works. Jesus knows what you’re going through and He’s able to give you more than just pretty sermonettes that will temporarily lift your burdens.
 He wants to give you what you need—answers to your questions, direction when you don’t know what to do, comfort when you feel like you can’t go on, courage to be a witness when you’re afraid, solutions to interpersonal conflicts that seem beyond repair, the encouragement you need to do His will when you’re struggling with a difficult decision, and the supernatural strength that comes only when you lean on Him and find His strength.
 You can trust Him with your heart, your future, your decisions. He will never fail you or lead you astray. —M. Fontaine [1]

 The mouth of the Lord is in the ear of the heart, in the silence of the quiet one: to him He reveals the secret of His will. Let your heart be quiet, and it will be filled with the knowledge of His divine will. —St Anthony of Padua

[1] M. Fontaine Anchor Jesus Our Good Sheperd




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