Life’s journey

Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21 NIV)

 God made each of us with a specific place and purpose in mind. Perhaps more of us could find deeper fulfillment in our station of life if we would learn to make the most of our position by equipping ourselves to do our best, wherever we find ourselves in life’s journey.
Certainly there are many individuals who excel in positions of great usefulness or prominence. But many of us fill a place in life that would be considered more common and ordinary. Nevertheless, we are each given valuable, hidden skills that can be developed in our current circumstances. 
And when we accept our situation, and do all we can in it, we will often find ourselves developing those hidden or formerly dormant talents, and we can use those to help others, which also brings us contentment and fulfillment.
 But no place or position is really common or ordinary if it is the place and position God meant us to have, and where He meant for us to develop our unique skills. —W.B. McGrath [1]

 There are two different kinds of people in the world. There are people who instinctively look for every chance to be a ‘victim’ and those who look for every chance to rise above—regardless of where they are in life and what’s happening around them… We are all powerful individuals. Let’s use that power to create something beautiful! —Christopher Hawke

[1] W.B. McGrath Activated Vol 19 issue 10


The key to happiness


Do you feel helpless