The Beautiful Truth

 The Lord is in this place, and I didn’t even know it. (Genesis 28:16 CEV)


 The beautiful truth we often fail to see is that the Lord is in every place. In every difficult experience. In every trying relationship. In every hard-to-understand individual. In every lonely place. In every forgotten tear.

 He is there, reaching out, making Himself known through His expressions of love: A hopeful thought. An encouraging dream. A motivational word. A heart-warming hug. An unexpected friendship.

 In every moment that we find hope, and in each instance we feel grace, Christ is there saying, “I am with you in this place, and you are not alone.” After all, He, whose essence is love, is the one who is present at every moment of your life. He is with you always, even to the ends of the age.

 Like Jacob, we might have done something that causes us to fear that we’ve fallen from grace, or that a dark spot is etched on our eternal record.

 But if you open your heart to His Word, you’ll find that you are not far from grace. Jesus is right there, whispering to your heart that there is “a time to every purpose”—even the difficult ones. —Jewel Roque [1]

 Do not be dismayed by temptations. It is a good sign that the enemy fights a soul: this means that it is not his. —St Francis de Sales

[1] Jewel Roque Anchor His Amazing Grace


Positive Attitude


It is Noted