Created in God's Image
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness...” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them. (Genesis 1:26–27 ESV)
While God created us along with all other things, He made us different from all other created things by making us in His image. He created us as unique beings and intimately breathed life into us.
He made us personal beings, able to enter a relationship with Him and other humans. He made us a combined physical and spiritual being by giving us body and spirit.
God loves His image-bearing creatures, and He values us. Because God values human beings, each has intrinsic, essential value. This should cause us to value each human being.
All humans, no matter what their gender, race, skin tone, or creed, are created equal. Each person bears God’s image and should be respected and treated as such.
Realizing that God values human beings, that He loves and cares for us, should cause us to value humanity, to recognize the worth of every person, ourselves included, and to do what we can to live in harmony and peace with others. —P. Amsterdam [1]
Indeed, our identity is sacred by definition, for we have been created by God to bear God’s image. We have been endowed with a moral nature, with the capacity to give love and to understand goodness. —Ravi Zacharias
[1] P. Amsterdam Anchor What Does It Mean to Be Human?