The Lord Is Our Guide

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105 KJV)

Technological developments can help us understand a bit more about God and how He manages His affairs. For example, prayer can be illustrated by the cell phone, used to immediately communicate with someone on the other side of the world. Computers are capable of storing and processing every bit of a company’s information. This helps us understand how God knows us so well that the Bible says that even our very hairs are numbered.

One of the miracles in the Bible that has always caught my attention is the one where Jesus tells Peter to catch a fish and take out of its mouth a coin needed to pay a tax.

A similar miracle occurs when He tells His disciples to go to a neighboring town to find the donkey that He would ride on His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. How did Jesus know where and when His disciples would find the right fish and donkey?

I have often seen God’s GPS at work in my life. He’s often guided me to something that I’d lost, or to meet a certain person, or to find a place. And many times it’s not only the right place, but also the precise moment.—Activated [1]

The deeper we go down into the valley of decision the higher we must rise into the mount of prayer.—Peter Taylor Forsyth (1848–1921)

[1] Activated, Vol 16 Issue 8 August 2015.


Trust in the Lord

