
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1 NLT)

Some people have the idea that running on faith means running on nothing. Faith is not nothing! “Faith is the substance of things hoped for. ” It’s knowing God and that God is.

With faith, believing is seeing. A little mustard seed of faith can move mountains, but how many mountains fail to be moved for lack of that tiny seed of faith? You know, the world’s motto is “Seeing is believing! If I see it, then I’ll believe it.” Well, that’s not God’s motto.

The motto of God’s Word is “Believing is seeing!” If you’ll just believe and trust God’s Word and trust Him and obey Him, God will give you the answers. Great faith chooses God in spite of the other possibilities.

God is still the God of the faithful and the believing, and He’s proven that it can still be done, that we can still believe and trust in Him by faith. God bless us with more faith!—DBB [1]

Christians in all disciplines of inquiry and discovery have used their reasoning power to investigate the evidence. Christians are not irrational, and Christian faith is not blind. The rich intellectual history of Christianity calls each of us to have a reasonable, examined, evidential, case-making faith. This kind of faith honors God and withstands skeptical criticism and personal doubt.—J. Warner Wallace

[1] "Faith: The Substance and the Evidence." Anchor, June 9, 2015.


Making Faith Decisions


Desperate Prayer