At times in your life

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:17–18 NIV)

My love is manifested in each person’s life in a special way. There is a place in each heart that only I can fill—and those who try to fill it with other things or people will sooner or later realize that those things or people do not satisfy completely, and they must reserve that place for Me, and Me alone.
 There is a time and a purpose to everything under heaven, and I work in each person’s life differently. Comparing My blessings according to circumstances or outward appearances is unwise and inaccurate. My love is so much deeper than that, secure, eternal, and perfect. […] Rather than comparing with others who have more time with friends or loved ones, I ask you to see it as a blessing when I give you time alone, as it allows you time to grow in your relationship with Me.
 At times in your life when you struggle with loneliness, strive to draw close to Me, and remember that the trials and tribulations of your earthly life are fleeting, and in My heavenly kingdom, all tears will be wiped away and the desires of your heart will be fulfilled. —Jesus [1]

 The challenge of faith, in a sense, lies in going without knowing where you are going, leaving without seeing, trusting only in one word, trusting only in God. —Angelo Casati

[1] Anchor Finding Blessings in Times of Loneliness


Be anxious for nothing


Change is necessary