God's promises

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20 NLT)

 The end of one year and the beginning of the next is a good time to look back on the accomplishments and victories, as well as the mistakes of the old year, and to look forward with determination to do our best to make the new year an even better and more fruitful one!
 He is pleased with every step you make to love and praise Him more, to allow Him to guide you. As you commit the new year to Him, He can help you to consolidate last year’s gains, as you continue to acknowledge Him in all your ways and ask Him to guide your steps.
 He promises to direct your path, because you have placed your faith in Him. He is going to guide you and open the doors He has prepared just for you, as you commit your future and hopes to Him and trust in Him with all your heart.
 Every year can be a year of growth in the Spirit and growth in drawing closer to Jesus, if we commit it all into His safekeeping.
 His Word encourages you to weather any storms you may be facing, to hang on to hope no matter how big the waves may seem, or how powerful or how swift.
 If you’ll hang on to Him, He’ll hold you up and prosper you, and take you safely to the destination that He has planned for you. Remember, “The future is as bright as the promises of God!” —M. Fontaine [1]

 Never hesitate to trust the unknown future to a known God. —Mottos for Success

[1] M. Fontaine Anchor Another Year to Love Him


A new You


I will renew your strength