
 You are the salt of the earth. (Matthew 5:13)

 As Christians, we are called to spice things up with the seasoning of faith we bring. It has been said that “God scattered [the early Christians] throughout the world to salt the whole earth and enlighten all mankind.”

 As salt seasons food by being lightly scattered upon it, so too Christians season the earth by being scattered throughout the various nations of the earth.

 By living in accordance with God’s way of life, Christians also preserve the earth by slowing the decay of morals in the society around them.

 It’s up to each of us to carry those qualities of salt within us, so that we can season the world around us with His flavoring. Being a force for good rests within each of us, as we do our part to love God, to stay true to His Word, and to share His love and Word with others whenever and wherever possible.

 As we strive to live and hold true to our Christian values, we can fulfill His commission to be the spice of life of this world; to give its full flavor and meaning to others, to be preservers of the good, and to share our faith—the true currency of the world—with others. —P. Amsterdam [1]

 Following Christ, the crucified King, believers learn that to reign is to serve, seeking the good of others, and they discover that the real meaning of love is expressed in the sincere gift of self. When life is lived with this spirit, the Christian becomes the “salt of the earth”. —Pope John Paul II

[1] P. Amsterdam Anchor Overcoming Complacency


The Creator


Keep the Faith